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Conducting a supplier quality management audit :The standardized tin cans industry process

【 time:2024-03-25 】【Mr. zhijiang wu export department of Juyou】【】

The standardized process for conducting a supplier quality management audit for tin boxes:

1. Preliminary Evaluation: 

Assess the tin boxes supplier's capabilities, reputation, and compliance with industry standards and regulations. This may involve a review of certifications, quality control processes, and previous performance.

2. Audit Planning:

 Develop a detailed plan for the quality management audit, including the scope, objectives, audit criteria, and audit schedule. This plan considers the specific quality requirements for tin box production and ensures that the audit is comprehensive and aligned with pertinent standards.

3. On-Site Assessment: 

Conduct an on-site visit to the supplier's facilities to evaluate their production processes, quality control procedures, and adherence to specified standards. This includes inspecting equipment, conducting interviews, and reviewing documentation.

round candy tins

4. Compliance Verification: 

Verify the supplier’s compliance with relevant quality management systems, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, or other industry-specific certifications. Ensure that the supplier's quality practices align with established benchmarks.

5. Process and Product Inspection: 

Assess the supplier's manufacturing processes, material handling, production line, and product quality to verify conformance with specified requirements.

6. Documentation Review: 

Examine the supplier's quality documentation, including quality manuals, procedures, records, and corrective action reports, to ascertain their commitment to quality management and improvement.

7. Non-Conformity Identification: 

Identify any non-conformities, deficiencies, or areas for improvement found during the audit, and communicate these findings to the supplier for corrective action.

8. Report Generation and Follow-Up: 

Compile an audit report documenting the findings, conclusions, and any non-conformities encountered. Work with the supplier to develop and implement corrective action plans to address identified issues.

The standardized tin cans industry process

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