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What specific quality control tests are conducted during the manufacturing the tin boxes?

【 time:2024-03-25 】【Mr. zhijiang wu export department of Juyou】【】

What specific quality control tests are conducted during the manufacturing the tin boxes?

What specific quality control tests are conducted during the manufacturing the tin boxes?

1. Thickness Measurement:

 to ensure it meets the specified requirements and maintains structural strength.

2. Coating Adhesion Test:

 to the metal surface to ensure they adhere securely and provide effective protection.

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3. Impact Resistance Test: 

to assess their resistance to external forces and ensure they can withstand handling and transit without damage.

4. Corrosion Resistance Test: 

to corrosion in different environmental conditions, particularly when exposed to humidity, moisture, or other corrosive elements.

5. Seal Integrity Test:

to verify that they provide adequate protection and prevent contents from leaking or being compromised.

6. Coating Thickness Measurement: 

 to verify they meet the necessary standards and can provide adequate protection to the tin boxes.

7. Compression Test: 

 to evaluate their strength and structural stability, particularly when stacked or subjected to pressure during storage or transport.

8. Environmental Tests: 

to environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, humidity, or solar exposure to assess their durability under various circumstances.

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